Wednesday, October 24, 2012

An Image of Jesus

Today, Transformation House was featured in the City People section of the Greenville (SC) News. The article was based on an interview that Amber Anderson and I recently gave to a reporter. I thought the writer, Donna Walker, did an excellent job of capturing our message and the heart of our interview with her.

The article started with this statement, "Transformation House aims to be a place where people can connect with one another, or with an image of God that they may not have expected to find." That really caught my attention: "an image of God that they may not have expected to find." I'm sure that's not how we stated it, but it is absolutely true.

We know that many people have a preconceived idea of God based on their past church experience, or their upbringing, or how God is portrayed through various media outlets. Some see him as an angry overlord, some as a sugar daddy, some as a distant, mysterious figure, some as a close, intimate friend.

Our goal in starting this downtown ministry, is to present to the people of Greenville a crystal clear picture of who Jesus really is. We are convinced that when they see him for who he really is, they will find him completely irresistible.

You can read the newspaper article online.

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