Friday, August 20, 2010

Have You Been Prepped?

Someone recently told me that I look as if I've had an easy life.  I nearly rolled off my chair laughing, because immediately I thought of the bad days, the hospital stays, the struggles with temptations to sin, the addictive behaviors, losing a job, losing a friend, the death of family members, broken promises, betrayals, depression, financial woes, and more recently, my sister's stroke and my son moving his family across the continent.  I wouldn't call that an easy life.  That list seems ominous and endless - trust me, I could go on and on. 

However, I have always considered that I've had a good life.  Not easy, but good.  The hardships that I've encountered have not broken me, and I know God has blessed me in ways that outnumber my trials.

I can also look back and see how the things in the "hard" category have helped make me better in my attitudes, my spiritual life, and in my relationships.  I think they've also prepared me to fit perfectly in the ministry God has given me.  After all, He had it in the works long before I was aware of it. 

"For we are God's workmanship (handiwork, masterpiece), created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."  Ephesians 2:10

When you look at the circumstances of your life, can you see God's creativity at work?  Can you see that the outcome will always leave you where He wants you?  Your life is a masterpiece in the making.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this good reminder Tony! And I will continue to pray for you and your family!
