Friday, March 29, 2013

The Real Gay Marriage Issue

Did you hear that the Supreme Court is hearing a case regarding gay marriage? Well, of course you did, unless you've enjoyed the luxury of a secluded island for the past month. The arguments, confrontations, protests, sermons, passive aggressive Facebook posts, condescending lectures, and bumper stickers have been non-stop loud and proud - from both sides of the debate.

I've generally avoided becoming involved publicly, but I guess today that changes. Here I am writing about it.
I have very dear friends who have strong opinions about making gay marriages legal and other very dear friends who say they staunchly oppose any marriage other than one man to one woman for life. Those who are against it have polished their arguments, found scriptures to support their view, and are poised to convince the world that they are right. Those who are for it, have polished their arguments, found scriptures to support their view, and are poised to convince the world they are right. Here's the overwhelming problem I see with this whole debate: everyone is focused on the issue of gay marriage. Meanwhile, the people involved (on both sides) are hostile toward each other, killing each other with their words, and are starving their own spirits. Where is the life in this argument?
This is Passion Week for Christians. The week that remembers the week prior to Jesus' resurrection. I cannot believe that Jesus endured what he did over an issue - any issue. He endured beatings, mockings, betrayal, agony, and even death for PEOPLE, not for issues. I personally couldn't care less if my gay friends marry. I have a single daughter that I would love to see in a loving marriage, but more than her finding a husband I want her to experience a fulfilling life in Christ. Marriage - gay or straight - is not what Jesus is about, it's not what His church is about, it's not what my life is about. This Easter weekend reminds us of what Jesus and his church IS about - connecting people to God and His plan for them.
I hear some of my church friends saying, "But you're compromising the word of God." Jesus said this, "You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life." (John 5:36,37) Don't waste your time searching for a biblical prop for your argument. You can surely find it, but so can those you oppose. Instead, search the scripture to find the life Jesus offers, then, get your nose out of the book and get involved with people around you. Get to know someone that has an opinion that is different from yours. Start a civil conversation. Jesus doesn't live in issues, he lives in us. That's the kind of Jesus people will want to know.

Image Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos


  1. "Get to know someone that has an opinion that is different from yours. Start a civil conversation. Jesus doesn't live in issues, he lives in us. That's the kind of Jesus people will want to know." Amen dude. Thanks for the thoughtful post.

  2. Great post and very wise words! I wish everyone thought with the same common sense, clarity and unity as you do! Appreciate your heart.

  3. Thanks for stopping by, Melodee.
